The Partnership for a Drug-Free America says that crystal Meth is a very pure, smokeable form of methamphetamine. It is a powerful and extremely addictive man-made stimulant. Its use can lead to severe physiological and psychological dependence.
What are some nicknames for crystal meth?
jib, crank, meth, crystal, ice, speed, chalk, glass
How is meth used?
Usually crystal meth is smoked in glass pipes, similar to how crack cocaine is used. It may be injected (either dry or dissolved in water), snorted, swallowed, or inserted into the anus or urethra.

Who uses crystal meth?
The National Drug Intelligence Center stated that crystal methamphetamine is used by individuals of all ages and is increasingly gaining in popularity as a club drug. It is difficult to determine how many individuals in the United States use crystal methamphetamine because most illicit drug use surveys do not distinguish between crystal methamphetamine and powdered methamphetamine. Those surveys that do draw such a distinction reveal that use of crystal methamphetamine is prevalent. According to the University of Michigan's Monitoring the Future Survey, nearly 5 percent of high school seniors in the United States used crystal methamphetamine at least once in their lifetime and 3 percent used the drug in the past year.
What are some physical signs that someone is using meth?
-Inability to sleep
-Increased sensitivity to noise
-Nervous physical activity, like scratching
-Irritability, dizziness, or confusion
-Extreme anorexia
-Tremors or even convulsions
-Violent behavior
-Increased heart rate, blood pressure, and risk of stroke
-Presence of inhaling paraphernalia, such as razor blades, mirrors, and straws
-Presence of injecting paraphernalia, such as syringes, heated spoons, or surgical tubing
Where is crystal meth produced?
Crystal meth is made in illegal labs by chemically altering over-the-counter drugs.

What is a Tweaker?
The most dangerous stage of methamphetamine abuse occurs when an abuser has not slept in 3-15 days and is irritable and paranoid. This behavior is referred to as "tweaking," and the user is known as the "tweaker."
Are there any diseases related to meth use?
Crystal meth users who inject the drug expose themselves to additional risks, including contracting HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), hepatitis B and C, and other blood-borne viruses.
What is the legal standing on meth?
Methamphetamine is illegal in all states and highly dangerous.
How long does it take to become addicted to meth?
Just once.
I never knew the origin and exact meaning of the term "tweaker". Reading the blurb about a Tweater was extremely interesting. It is kind of ridiculous how lightly I have used the term in the past. Now that I actually know what it means, I will be much more cautious when using the term.